Hi, I'm María!
Curiosity brought yoga to my life. Over time, I fell in love with different styles and experienced a profound transformation. After seven years, I decided to give myself the gift of a more in-depth exploration of the practice and its philosophy. One day during training, my teacher Aimée S. Conners asked if I would like to guide others or merely keep the learning for myself. Just then, with tears in my eyes, I realized I had to share this unique tool with everybody and "every body".
It is about you. All people deserve the benefits of yoga that come from an inner exploration of the Self. Yoga offers a life path, a playtime, a self-care routine and a way to find ease and poise in the 21st Century. Just as this ancient Indian tradition evolves every day, the practice that I offer is coming from the bottom of my heart every moment. And if my words don’t resonate with you, it’s okay, because it works anyway. Want to give it a try?
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Ps, When I am not in Adho Mukha Svanāsana, I am spending time with my family, pet dog and friends. I am a music lover, a ginger addict, a traveller, a journalist, and a curious, imperfect human being. If you want more about me, here's more.
Class Schedule
In English, Spanish or Spanglish upon request!
Until March 2020, I was teaching classes in La Sala de Estar (València), where we moved to La Sala de Star Online. Now, with the arrival of the coronavirus in our lives, it is time to jump into the virtual world. I am offering online classes here to all those who want to practice yoga from home.
My classes are inspired by Hatha Vinyasa style and are built flowing among postures (āsanas), creating a connection between movement and breathing. And I'm a fan of Classical Tantra philosophy (*), meditation, breathing work and savāsana!
This is #YogaParaTodosLosCuerpos. Do you have one? You can join then!
If you need more info, contact me!
(*) Please, notice that Classical Tantra philosophy has nothing to do with the neo tantra movement developed in the Western world (mostly coming from the US), and often related with sexual practices. If you are curious, visit the Tantrika Institute site and learn more about this mind-blowing tradition.